Wednesday, June 3, 2009


I apologize, I really do. It's been a good two months since I last posted, and maybe even longer than that…between a hectic end to the semester, a trip to San Francisco, being in NYC (where I am until mid-month), and a bit of heartbreak, this blog just hasn't really been calling my name.

But once things settle down a bit I'll do some catch-up. And if you want a preview, here's the collection of what I've been eating and cooking in the last three months.

In the meanwhile, too, check out a profile of the vegan and vegetarian restaurant Tasty Harmony that I wrote for The Coloradoan; look for another one next Thursday as well.

And thanks, all, for bearing with me! I promise I'll be back soon.


  1. New York, you say? Fancy a slice at Sal and Carmine's? I'm making a trip up there tomorrow. Today. Thursday. PIZZA.

  2. God yes, though I'm not sure if I can pull it off. Depends on when you're going…??

  3. This may be commuting murder, but i'm hoping to be there just after 5 today!

  4. waitin' for the updates! patiently waiting of course.

  5. whoa your preview looks amazing; what the hell is a pagolec?

  6. Sorry to hear about the heartbreak.
    New York for a bit, eh? Probably too busy, but one day, we'll eat again... ha I just realized that's a pun. Umm... it's Monday, ignore my inanity ;)
