Thursday, September 18, 2008

Big brains, little burgers at Dempsey's

The email went around a few days beforehand. "Wednesday night for beer and Quizzo. If you guys come, the room may burst with the sheer force of our combined brain power. What do you say?"

Hell yes was the answer. Running late from getting mani-pedis courtesy of GQ, MH and I showed up Dempsey's Pub after most people had eaten already. Still, it wasn't too late to catch happy hour and to order a plate of sliders before the game began. I'm no burger expert, but these were really satisfying: beefy, juicy little morsels on appropriately squishy bread that melded with the meat and melted cheddar. For seven bucks (plus a dollar for cheese), four sliders was a good deal.
IMG_7114 IMG_7115
Unsatisfied with the cooling remains of other people's sweet potato fries, MH and I asked for an order of regular fries and I swiped the dipping sauces from the sweet potato fries to eat with them (red pepper mayo, ranch, and honey mustard). Both fry variations were pretty good, and a deep, heaping bowl was only five bucks.

In short, cheap and decent pub food to be had at Dempsey's. And did the room burst with our extensive command of useless knowledge? Unfortunately, the Quizzo gods knew all about divide and conquer—there were enough of us that we were forced to split up. In the end, it seemed our strength was in beauty and not brains: none of us won, but one of us walked away with a prize for "best dressed." Oh well! Next time, next time.


  1. I'm waiting for some news about food in Colorado.

  2. the fries look really tempting. i find it hard to get good chips in malaysia.

  3. Jess, they're gonna come! (You see how behind I am.) But be forewarned, the eats have not been exciting here. Seriously.

    Renaye, I find it hard to get good Malaysian food! Let's trade :)
